Friday 22 January 2021


Photography is an art of observation. It has a little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. As we all know every photograph has a story behind it. I also have some stories behind each click. So as I say without wasting any time lets get into my blog.

So this is my first click from my very first phone when I began my college life. At that time I was not that crazy for photography as I am right now, Also this picture has no edits..because I believe that there is no need of filters for mother nature although it is necessary for nowadays. So I just focus my camera and clicked a random picture which by luck or what.. turns into a great picture😌. 

So this one is also my university's picture. Actually my univ is a very beautiful place so there is a lot of things to capture.I've also made 2-3 videos but I don't know why they aren't uploading on it. But never mind I'll share  more pictures when I again come into photographer mood:)

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